The majority of Department of Mathematics research activities is pursued through Research Centers. These include:
- Centro de Análise Matemática, Geometria e Sistemas Dinâmicos
- Centro de Matemática Computacional e Estocástica
- Grupo de Física Matemática
- Security and Quantum Information Group, a part of the Associate Laboratory IT.
A small number of Department members is affiliated with other research centres or has no current affiliation.
Former research centers include:
Scientific areas
The department is organized into eight research/scientific areas:
- Algebra and topology
- Differential equations and dynamical systems
- Geometry
- Logic and computation
- Mathematical physics
- Numerical analysis and applied analysis
- Probability and statistics
- Real and functional analysis
In particular faculty positions open in one or more of these areas.
The department has currently about 80 faculty members, making it the largest mathematics department in Portugal.
Seminars, courses and workshops
The Department research activities include work and research seminars and workshops grouped in several thematic series. The following series have been active recently (August 2021 — August 2023):
- Algebra
- Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems
- Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
- Colloquium of Logic
- Geometria em Lisboa
- IST Lecture Series in Algebraic Geometry & Physics
- Lisbon WADE — Webinar in Analysis and Differential Equations
- Logic and Computation
- Mathematical Relativity
- Mathematics, Physics & Machine Learning
- Partial Differential Equations
- Probability and Statistics
- Probability and Stochastic Analysis
- String Theory
- Symposium
- Topological Quantum Field Theory
- UL Extremes Webinar
Other series are available in the seminar archive.
The Department made available online Research Reports from 1993 to 2008.