Administrative Officers

The following table lists the administrative positions at the Mathematics Department of Instituto Superior Técnico.

Position Faculty member
Head José Mourão
President of the Board of the Department Council Maria João Borges
Substitute Head and Vice President for Research Paulo Mateus
Vice-President for Academics João Pimentel Nunes
Vice-President for Liaison with IST Mathematics Degrees João Rasga
Vice-President for Liaison with Society Ana Leonor Silvestre
Vice-President for Taguspark Paula Gouveia
Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs Filipe Mena
Vice President for International Relations  Cláudia Philippart
Vice President for Teaching Supported by Technology Pedro Ferreira dos Santos
Coordinator of the Degree in Applied Mathematics and Computation Leonor Godinho
Coordinator of the Master in Applied Mathematics and Computation Pedro Girão
Coordinator of the PhD Program in Mathematics Gabriel Lopes Cardoso
Coordinator of the PhD Program in Statistics and Stochastic Processes Pacheco Pires
Deputy-Coordinator of the PhD Program in Information Security Paulo Mateus
Coordinator of the Teaching Unit in Algebra and Analysis Luís Barreira
Coordinator of the Teaching Unit in Probability and Statistics Pacheco Pires
Coordinator of the Teaching Unit in Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Pedro Lima
Coordinator of the Teaching Unit in Logics and Computation José Félix Costa
Coordinator of the Algebra and Topology Scientific Area Pedro Resende
Coordinator of the Applied Analysis and Numerical Analysis Scientific Area Pedro Lima
Coordinator of the General Mathematics Scientific Area Luís Barreira
Coordinator of the Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Scientific Area Luís Barreira
Coordinator of the Geometry Scientific Area Miguel Abreu
Coordinator of the Logics and Computation Scientific Area José Félix Costa
Coordinator of the Mathematical Physics Scientific Area Gabriel Lopes Cardoso
Coordinator of the Probability and Statistics Scientific Area Pacheco Pires
Coordinator of the Real and Functional Analysis Scientific Area Pedro Freitas
Computer Network Manager F. Miguel Dionísio
Professor in Charge of the Mathematics Library Claudia Valls
Head of the Center for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems (CAMGSD) Pedro Resende
Head of the Center for Functional Analysis, Linear Structures and Applications (CEAFEL) António Bravo
Head of the Center for Computacional and Stochastic Mathematics (CEMAT) Manuel Scotto
Coordinator of the Security and Quantum Information Research Group (SQIG) Paulo Mateus
IST Coordinator of the Master in Information Security and Law in Cyberspace Carlos Caleiro
Coordinator of the Master in Engineering and Data Science Maria de Rosário Oliveira
Representative of the Mathematics Department at the Biomedical Engineering Coordination Commission Maria de Rosário Oliveira