14/03/2024, 11:45 — 12:00 — Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Online
Erida Gjini, Instituto Superior Técnico
Population dynamics of infectious diseases
“Mathematics Is Biology's Next Microscope, Only Better; Biology Is Mathematics' Next Physics, Only Better” — this is a quote by Joel E. Cohen in an influential paper in 2004 where he talked about the explosive synergy happening and growing between biology and mathematics in recent years. These are exciting times to be an applied mathematician! My projects and research efforts aim to contribute to this biology-mathematics interface, in particular focusing on models in biomedicine, dynamics, control and prediction of infectious diseases. In my team, master projects can be developed to address: host-pathogen interaction in specific systems, the critical border between health and disease, epidemiological transmission dynamics, effects of heterogeneity, and interventions such as vaccines or antibiotics. The projects require integrated skills and techniques from different mathematical fields, including dynamical systems, ODEs, PDEs, probability and statistics, linear algebra and optimization, and often data analysis and numerical computation.
International collaborations are possible with teams in Portugal, France, USA, UK and the Netherlands.
See also