Discover Math@Técnico
Hugo Tavares, vice-president of the Mathematics Department, tells us about Math@Técnico.
Paulo Mateus elected corresponding member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences
The Lisbon Academy of Sciences elected Professor Paulo Mateus as a national corresponding member in the Section of Sciences (Information Sciences and Technologies).
New ERASMUS Mundus Joint Masters MATHS-DISC
The MATHS-DISC consortium, consisting of Università di Verona, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Igor Sikorsky Polytechnic Institute Kiev, Universidade de Lisboa and Université Grenoble Alpes, and the partner university NTNU Trondheim, was successful with its proposal for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) in Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Data Science together with more than 20 partners from leading industry and research centers (e. g. Siemens, Intel, Bosch, Bayer, d-fine, uRoboptics, Vodafone Ukraine, IDOM, ENGYS, Otto Bock, DLR, Terranova, NeuronsLab, Computer Solutions SA, Royal IHC, …) from different sectors and from all over Europe.
This novel EMJM will have a total budget of about 5 million Euros in funding from the European Union over six years. The program is also supported by the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) and the European Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation (EU-MATHS-IN) to train the PhD students of tomorrow and to establish interdisciplinary networks to share best practices at European level to overcome geographical and scientific fragmentation.
The program is scheduled to start in the winter semester 2025/26 and applications should be possible from February 2025. For more general information about this EMJM, please contact Prof. Cláudia Nunes.
11/11/2024 15:00
Elli Heyes
Machine-Learning $G_2$ Geometry
12/11/2024 16:00
Yu Shen Lin
Special Lagrangians in Calabi-Yau $3$-folds with a K3-fibration
14/11/2024 13:30
Damião Araújo
Fully nonlinear dead-core systems
14/11/2024 17:00
Sandra Alves
Quantitative Weak Linearisation
19/11/2024 16:00
Dan Wang
Dependence of quantum spaces on different polarizations on toric varieties
22/11/2024 15:00
Jonathan Bradley-Thrush
Ferrers diagrams and q-series identities
28/11/2024 11:00
Herwig Hauser
The Geometry of Rings — Affine Schemes
28/11/2024 15:00
29/11/2024 11:00
Herwig Hauser
Morphisms between Schemes and Basic Constructions - Universal Properties
02/12/2024 11:00
Herwig Hauser
The Geometry of Schemes - Irreducible Components, Intersections, Smoothness, Singularities, Dimension
03/12/2024 11:00
Herwig Hauser
Gluing - Projective and General Schemes - Sheaves
03/12/2024 16:00
Francisco Nascimento
Kinematic formulas in convex geometry