Recent News and events

Book by Leonor Godinho and Margarida Mendes Lopes published by IST Press

18/06/2024 17:30

@ Museu de Engenharia Civil, Instituto Superior Técnico

The book Introdução à Geometria by professors Leonor Godinho and Margarida Mendes Lopes was published by IST Press. Its public introcution by  Professor Miguel Abreu is scheduled for June 18, 05:30pm, in the Civil Engineering Museum at Técnico.

Book by Manuel Cabral Morais published by IST Press


The book Stochastic Processes: Theory, Examples & Exercises, by Department of Mathematics Professor Manuel Cabral Morais, has just been published in April 2024 by IST Press.

This is an introductory textbook in a central and active field of Mathematics with applications in Engineering, Economics, and Management Science suitable for undergraduate or graduate students in these areas. It has been included in the Science & Technology Series of IST Press as its #1 publication.

Mathematics @ Técnico Open Day

20/04/2024 10:00

@ Salão Nobre, campus da Alameda, Técnico

Mathematics will be present in the 3rd edition of the Técnico Open Day. CEMAT and CAMGSD will participate in the science fair with 5 stalls:

Matemática e o sistema cardiovascular
Ver simulações numéricas de fluxo sanguíneo e saber mais sobre a computação interativa de indicadores hemodinâmicos.
Ciência de dados com intervalos
Aprender o que fazer quando os dados disponíveis são intervalos, a detetar dias onde a qualidade do ar é fraca e como visualizar e descobrir ataques informáticos.
Girando como um electrão
Descobrir como gira um electrão, tornando visível o invisível e perceber que quando um electrão gira 360º não volta à mesma posição.
Máquina de calcular com cordas
Construir uma máquina de calcular com números racionais com duas cordas e quatro pessoas.
Sentes-te com sorte?
Testar a Teoria de Probabilidades numa corrida de damas que avançam à velocidade ditada pelos dados.

The program also includes visits to laboratories, namely the QuTe Lab, coordinated by Yasser Omar, where the following activity will take place:

Tecnologias quânticas na ponta dos dedos.

LYMC 2024

12/04/2024 — 13/04/2024

@ Alameda campus, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal

The Lisbon Young Mathematicians Conference is directed to Postdocs, PhD, and Master students of Lisbon Universities. The students are invited to present short communications about their current research work.

LYMC 2024, the 4th edition of the conference, will take place mainly in person, at  Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, Lisbon, on 12-13 April 2024.

The keynote speakers of LYMC 2024 are:

Registration is free, but mandatory.

 Abstract submission deadline: March 31st, 2024.

MasterTalk with Patrícia Gonçalves

11/04/2024 17:15

Centro de Congressos, Instituto Superior Técnico

The Mathematics event of a series relative to Master programmes at Técnico.


The connection between the microscopic and macroscopic worlds: deducing universal laws from the random motion of particles.

Master programmes, reseach projects, dissertations with faculty and students from Técnico.

Further details

In memoriam: Rafael Sasportes


It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our colleague and friend Rafael Sasportes, victim of a prolonged diseease, and present our deepest sympathies to his family.

O Rafael ingressou na Universidade Aberta em 1999, onde em 2008 se doutorou em Matemática, e desde 2009 era investigador integrado do Centro de Análise Matemática, Geometria e Sistemas Dinâmicos do Instituto Superior Técnico, onde a sua investigação incidiu nas áreas de Equações Diferenciais e Sistemas Dinâmicos.

Além de ser um membro ativo daquele centro de investigação, inclusivamente tendo neste momento um trabalho de investigação em curso, o Rafael sempre se destacou pela disponibilidade, pela dedicação e pelo sempre presente bom humor e sentido de camaradagem, pelos quais será recordado com muita estima.

Michel Talagrand awarded the 2024 Abel Prize


@ The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters

Michel Talagrand (Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Paris, France) has won the 2024 Abel prize
«for his groundbreaking contributions to probability theory and functional analysis, with outstanding applications in mathematical physics and statistics.»

MMAC Day 2024

14/03/2024 09:20

@ Online

Online presentation of examples of dissertation topics for MMAC thesis.

MMAC Day videos


MMAC Day 2024 has left us with a collection of videos and slides of its presentations of dissertation topic examples.

Mathematics Department associated research centers (CAMGSD, CEMAT and SQIG) periodically make available research fellowships (preference is given to second year master students).

Master in Applied Mathematics and Computation

04/03/2024 — 22/03/2024

@ Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal

Pre-applications to Técnico MSc courses are open until March 22nd to BSc graduating students that have completed at least 138 ECTS.