
Departamento de Matemática Técnico Técnico

Seminário Encontro Ressurgimento  RSS

19/07/2016, 14:30 — 15:10 — Anfiteatro Ea1, Torre Norte (Electricidade)
Ricardo Couso-Santamaría, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

Latest News on Resurgence Applied to Topological Strings

Topological string theory, along with matrix models, is one of the most fruitful settings in which to explore resurgence and obtain valuable nonperturbative information about observables. Lessons learned from working with practical, tangible examples will surely prove useful when approaching more difficult problems like realistic quantum field theories.

In this talk I'll present the latest advances on the topic which involve the exploration of asymptotic expansions of perturbative and nonperturbative free energies, the resummation of transseries and agreement with independent nonperturbative completions, the discovery of new transseries sectors related to NS-brane type effects, and possible consequences for the theory of Gromov–Witten enumerative invariants.

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