
Mathematics Department Técnico Técnico

Resurgence Meeting Seminar  RSS

22/07/2016, 15:10 — 15:50 — Amphitheatre Ea1, North Tower, IST
Yuya Tanizaki, RIKEN BNL Research Center

Studying the Silver Blaze Problem based on Picard-Lefschetz Theory

The sign problem is one of the biggest issue in theoretical physics. Because of the oscillatory nature of the path integral, it is very difficult to capture the correct physical behavior even with the help of numerical computations. In this talk, I would like to demonstrate that the idea of applied Picard-Lefschetz theory is quite helpful for the deep understanding of the sign problem. For this purpose, the Silver Blaze problem will be considered: path integral on Lefschetz thimbles is used to explain the trivial physical phenomenon that becomes nontrivial because of the sign problem. We will see that two perturbatively equivalent formalisms give different answers.

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