07/06/2005, 15:00 — 16:00 — Room P4.35, Mathematics Building
Simon Gay, U Glasgow
Probabilistic model-checking of quantum protocols
Quantum cryptographic systems are likely to become technologically
important in the near future, and it is important to be confident
of their correctness. Although several quantum protocols have been
mathematically proved correct, we argue that further steps of
verification are necessary in order to be confident of the
correctness of a complete system, which is likely to combine both
quantum and classical communication and computation. We have begun
to apply formal modelling and verification techniques, which have
been successful in the analysis of classical communication and
cryptographic systems, to quantum systems; initially we have
focussed on model-checking techniques, and in particular the
probabilistic model-checking tool PRISM. This seminar will outline
the challenges involved in formal verification of quantum systems,
and report some initial results. This is joint work with Nick
Papanikolaou and Raja Nagarajan of the University of Warwick, and
is certainly work in progress.
Please note exceptional day.