It is commonly stated that quantum correlations are "larger" than
classical ones. This statement, which has been described as "the
most profound discovery of science," is based on the fact that
some predictions of quantum mechanics violate Bell's inequalities,
derived from some assumptions of classical physics. However, the
question of how much larger than classical correlations are quantum
correlations did not have a precise answer beyond the fact that
quantum mechanics violates the CHSH-Bell inequality up to
(Tsirelson's bound), while the classical bound is just 2.
We shall show that the volume of the set of quantum correlations
larger than the volume of the set of
correlations obtainable by classical deterministic theories, but
is only
of the volume allowed by probabilistic
theories. We use these results to quantify the success of some
approximate characterizations of the set of quantum correlations
using linear and quadratic inequalities.
Are larger-than-quantum correlations possible? The quantum
correlations appearing in the CHSH-Bell inequality can give values
between the classical bound and Tsirelson's bound. However, for a
given set of local observables, there are values in this range
that are unattainable by any quantum state. We provide the
analytical expression for the attainable values and the
corresponding bound. We also describe how to experimentally trace
this bound. Two groups have recently performed experiments to
trace this bound, confirming the predictions of quantum mechanics
and finding no evidence of larger-than-quantum correlations.