Probability and Stochastic Analysis Seminar  RSS

Luisa Andreis 03/11/2021, 17:00 — 18:00 — Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Online
, University of Florence

Phase transition in sparse random graphs and coagulation processes

Inhomogeneous random graphs are a natural generalization of the wellknown Erdös-Renyi random graph, where vertices are characterized by a type and edges are present independently according to the type of the vertices that they are connecting. In the sparse regime, these graphs undergo a phase transition in terms of the emergence of a giant component exactly as the classical Erd}os{R enyi model. In this talk we will present an alternative approach, via large deviations, to prove this phase transition. This allows a comparison with the gelation phase transition that characterizes some coagulation process and with phase transitions of condensation type emerging in several systems of interacting components. This is an ongoing joint work with Wolfgang Koenig (WIAS and TU Berlin), Tejas Iyer (WIAS), Heide Langhammer (WIAS), Robert Patterson (WIAS).

Except for a few of the oldest sessions these are from the Seminário de Probabilidade e Mecânica Estatística at IMPA which is co-sponsored by several institutions, in particular Instituto Superior Técnico.