
Departamento de Matemática Técnico Técnico

Encontros Iberian Strings  RSS

21/01/2021, 15:30 — 16:00 — Online
Zhenghao Zhong, Imperial College London

$5$d SCFTs, 5-brane webs and (orthosymplectic) magnetic quivers

The Higgs branches of $5d \ N=1$ SQCD theories at infinite gauge coupling (UV superconformal fix point) is often inaccessible via standard tools. The recently introduced concept of magnetic quivers proves to be a powerful tool able to probe the finite and infinite coupling limits in a uniform manner. In this talk, I will focus on $5d \ N=1$ SQCD theories whose Higgs branches at infinite coupling exhibit exceptional global symmetries. By realizing these theories as 5-brane web configurations with orientifold planes, I will discuss how to derive the corresponding orthosymplectic magnetic quivers. This allows us to study the geometry of the enlarged Higgs branches of $5d \ N=1$ theories with $Sp(k)$ and $SO(k)$ gauge groups at the UV fix point.

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Iberian Strings_zhenghao.pdf