
Mathematics Department Técnico Técnico

Iberian Strings Meetings  RSS

20/01/2021, 16:30 — 17:00 — Online
Dmitri Bykov, MPI Physik Munich

Sigma models as Gross-Neveu models

I will show that there is a wide class of integrable sigma models, which includes $CP^{n-1}$, Grassmannian, flag manifold models, that are equivalent to bosonic (and mixed bosonic/fermionic) chiral Gross-Neveu models. The established equivalence allows to effortlessly construct trigonometric/elliptic deformations, provides a new look on the supersymmetric theory and on the cancellation of anomalies in the integrability charges. Using this formalism, we develop criteria for constructing quantum integrable models related to quiver varieties. Based on arXiv:2006.14124 and arXiv:2009.04608

See also

Slides Iberian Strings_bykov.pdf