
Mathematics Department Técnico Técnico

Iberian Strings Meetings  RSS

20/01/2021, 15:30 — 16:00 — Online
Diego Gutiez, University of Oviedo

Deep learning generation of holographic geometries from $q \bar q$ potential data

The AdS-CFT correspondence is a very powerful tool that allows us to compute field theory observables from a gravity dual. One of the hurdles of this duality is to obtain a dual geometry from certain QFTs such as QCD. In the past few years, some efforts have been made to use deep learning techniques to generate the dual geometry from some known data in the QFT. In particular, Hashimoto et al. were able to propose some geometries dual to QCD using this kind of techniques. The aim of our work is to reproduce the metric of a black hole from the $q \bar q$ potential in a deconfined phase. In particular, we compare the potential generated by a given geometry and compare it to the QFT results in order to train the net.

See also

Diego Gutiez Iberian 2021.pdf