
Mathematics Department Técnico Técnico

Iberian Strings Meetings  RSS

19/01/2021, 17:30 — 18:00 — Online
Lars Aalsma, University of Wisconsin-Madison

A New Spin On The Weak Gravity Conjecture

The mild form of the Weak Gravity Conjecture (WGC) requires that (quantum) corrections to extremal charged black holes increase their charge-to-mass ratio. Currently, it is unknown what the minimal assumptions are needed to proof this conjecture. To address this issue, I will reformulate the WGC as a necessary and sufficient condition on the stress tensor. Applied to rotating BTZ black holes, this condition suggests a spinning WGC, which I proof for corrections generated by fields holographically dual to relevant deformations. Imposing both the charged and spinning WGC on a five-dimensional black string and compactifications thereof, I derive new positivity bounds on Wilson coefficients. These bounds are stronger than those obtained from the charged WGC alone and further constrain effective theories compatible with quantum gravity. Based on arXiv:2011.05337 with Alex Cole, Gregory Loges and Gary Shiu.

See also

Iberian Strings [Jan 19 2021].pdf