
Mathematics Department Técnico Técnico

Iberian Strings Meetings  RSS

20/01/2021, 09:00 — 10:00 — Online
Johanna Erdmenger, University of Würzburg

Information geometry and QFT

Review lecture on Information geometry and quantum field theory.

The AdS/CFT correspondence is the most prominent example of a duality relating a quantum theory of fields (without gravity) to a gravity theory. As proposed by Maldacena in 1997, the AdS/CFT conjecture is strongly motivated by the duality of D-branes in the open and the closed string theory pictures in the the near-horizon limit. Since then, the question has arisen if a duality relating quantum field theory to gravity may be established more generally, leading to further insights into the structure of quantum gravity. This development is fuelled in particular through new developments involving concepts from quantum information, following the holographic entanglement entropy proposal of Ryu and Takayanagi in 2006. In this talk, I will review very recent progress in this area, considering insights from information geometry, a branch of mathematics, in particular. Moreover, I will consider bulk reconstruction, modular flows, and computational complexity. Insights from black hole physics and information theory have led to new developments in quantum field theory. As examples, I will present implications of the Fisher metric curvature for phase transitions, complexity proposals for conformal field theories and non-local modular flows.

See also
