
Mathematics Department Técnico Técnico

Iberian Strings Meetings  RSS

20/01/2021, 12:30 — 13:00 — Online
Edvard Musaev, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Non-abelian U-duality of M-theory background

Backgrounds of perturbative string theory are known to enjoy various duality symmetries, relating different points in the space of vacua. Among these are the perturbative T-duality symmetries, relating backgrounds with a certain amount of space-time isometries to dual field configurations. Depending on the algebra of Noether currents one finds abelian, non-abelian or Poisson-Lie T-duality symmetries. Non-abelian U-duality symmetry is a generalisation of Poisson-Lie T-duality transformation to the case of 11-dimensional backgrounds, where the string becomes non-perturbative. This is based on the concept of exceptional Drinfeld double, which is a generalisation of the classical Drinfeld double Lie algebra to Leibniz algebras. In this talk this algebraic construction is reviewed, a generalisation of Buscher rules to the case of non-abelian U-duality of group manifold backgrounds is described and a set of examples is presented. The related concept of tri-vector and six-vector deformations is also discussed and the corresponding generalisation of the classical Yang-Baxter equation governing integrable bi-vector deformations is overviewed.

See also
