
Departamento de Matemática Técnico Técnico

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17/01/2017, 11:00 — 11:30 — Anfiteatro Abreu Faro
Yi Pang, Albert Einstein Institute

Evidence for the Holographic dual of $N=3$ Solution in Massive Type IIA

We calculate the Kaluza-Klein spectrum of spin-2 fluctuations around the ${\cal N}=3$ warped $AdS4 \times M6$ solution in massive IIA supergravity. This solution was conjectured to be dual to the $D=3 {\cal N}=3$ superconformal $SU(N)$ Chern-Simons matter theory with level k and 2 adjoint chiral multiplets. The $SO(3)_R×SO(3)_D$ isometry of the ${\cal N}=3$ solution is identified with the $SU(2)_F×SU(2)_R$ global symmetry of the dual ${\cal N}=3$ SCFT. We show that the $SO(3)_R×SO(3)_D$ quantum numbers and the AdS energies carried by the BPS spin-2 modes match precisely with those of the spin-2 gauge invariant operators in the short multiplets of operators in the ${\cal N}=3$ SCFT. We also compute the Euclidean action of the ${\cal N}=3$ solution and the free energy of the ${\cal N}=3$ SCFT on $S^3$, in the limit $N \gg k$. Remarkably, the results show a complete agreement.

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