
Departamento de Matemática Técnico Técnico

Encontros Iberian Strings  RSS

16/01/2017, 17:30 — 18:00 — Anfiteatro Abreu Faro
Eduardo Garcia Valdecasas, Autónoma University of Madrid

Stringy instantons, deformed geometry and axions

Axion models can be described in terms of a 3-form eating a 2-form dual to the axion. I will discuss how stringy axions can give rise to potentials for the axion in this language, where there is naively no candidate 3-form to eat up. The necessary 3-form will arise when taking into account the backreaction of the instanton in the underlying geometry. Novel applications of this mechanism and ongoing research might also be presented. Based on arXiv:1605.08092 and ongoing work.

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