
Departamento de Matemática Técnico Técnico

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Paulo Mateus 14/03/2024, 14:30 — 14:45 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
, Instituto Superior Técnico

Classical and Quantum Cryptography

The thesis delves into the introduction and analysis of new cryptographic protocols designed to tackle the challenges presented by quantum computing. These protocols utilize post-quantum cryptosystems or quantum channels. The range of protocols covers secure multiparty computation, coin tossing, oblivious transfer, and bit commitment, along with the utilization of physical unclonable functions. The research places a strong emphasis on universal composability, enabling a thorough assessment of the security guarantees of the protocols within a broader cryptographic context. Additionally, potential application scenarios such as blockchain signatures, smart contracts, lightweight, and energy-efficient cryptography are explored, particularly in situations where communication and computational complexity are significantly constrained.

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