03/04/2012, 10:30 — 11:30 — Room P4.35, Mathematics Building
Daniele Sepe, CAMGSD/IST
Lecture VI - The Eliasson-Miranda-Zung linearisation theorem
The definition of non-degenerate singular orbits of completely
integrable Hamiltonian systems gives local linear models for the
underlying Hamiltonian -action. A natural question is
whether there exists a symplectomorphism from an open neighbourhood
of a fixed singular orbit to the local linear model which preserves
the respective Lagrangian fibrations. The Eliasson-Miranda-Zung
theorem answers the above questions affirmatively when the orbit is
compact. In this lecture this theorem is stated and a strategy for
its proof is outlined, so as to explain the main underlying
geometric ideas.

Current organizer: Miguel

a unit of the Associate Laboratory LARSyS