18/07/2016, 10:00 — 11:00 — Anfiteatro Ea1, Torre Norte (Electricidade)
Michael Berry, Bristol University
Two Physical Applications of Divergent Series: The Aharonov-Bohm Wave, and Exquisite Sensitivity of Optical Polarization
- Approximate connections between the Aharonov-Bohm wave (AB) scattered by a magnetic flux line and the Fresnel-Sommerfeld edge-diffracted wave have been known for decades. The connection can be made precise by representing AB as a series whose large parameter is distance from the flux; the Erf-based approximation is uniform in angle and flux. The series diverges, and can be resummed to give additional accuracy, even within one wavelength of the flux.
- Divergent series and nonhermitian degeneracies combine in the optics of polarized light traversing a slowly-twisted anisotropic absorbing material, leading to a prediction that the emergent polarization is extraordinarily sensitive to the incident polarization - a dramatic violation of adiabatic intuition, explained by the Stokes phenomenon.

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