Seminário de Probabilidade e Análise Estocástica  RSS

Stanislav Volkov 29/09/2021, 17:00 — 18:00 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática Online
, Lund University

About discrete Bak-Sneppen model

The discrete version of the famous Bak-Sneppen model ( is a Markov chain on the space of {0,1} sequences of length n with periodic boundary conditions, which runs as follows. Fix some 00.54. This result is indeed correct, however, its proof is not. I shall present the rigorous proof of the Barbay and Kenyon's result, as well as some better bounds for the critical p.

Excepto para as sessões mais antigas trata-se de sessões do Seminário de Probabilidade e Mecânica Estatística do IMPA e co-organizado com outras instituições, em particular o Instituto Superior Técnico.