Probability and Stochastic Analysis Seminar  RSS


27/11/2024, 16:00 — 17:00 — Online
Amitai Linker, Universidad Andrés Bello

The contact process on dynamic scale-free networks

In this talk, I will present recent results on the contact process on two specific types of scale-free, inhomogeneous random networks that evolve either through edge resampling or by resampling entire neighborhoods of vertices. Depending on the type of graph, the selected stationary dynamic, the tail exponent of the degree distribution, and the updating rate, we identify parameter regimes that result in either fast or slow extinction. In the latter case, we determine metastable exponents that exhibit first-order phase transitions. This is joint work with Emmanuel Jacob (ENS Lyon) and Peter Mörters (Universitat zu Köln).

Except for a few of the oldest sessions these are from the Seminário de Probabilidade e Mecânica Estatística at IMPA which is co-sponsored by several institutions, in particular Instituto Superior Técnico.