28/11/2007, 16:00 — 17:00 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
Nejla Hariga, LAMSIN-ENIT & INAT, Tunisie
A Data Completion Problem in ElectroCardioGraphy
The general framework of our contribution consists in recovering lacking data on some part of the boundary of a domain from overspecified data on the remaining part of the boundary. This kind of problem occurs in the reconstruction of cardiac activ ity. In fact, non invasive imaging of heart’s electrical activity from ElectroCardioGram becomes a standard diagnostis tool in clinical application. The reconstruction of the spread of electrical excitation in the human heart of each single beat shall facilitate cardiologists to discriminate normal from abnormal activity, localize the origin of ar rhythmias, ischemie or infarcted regions . We solve this inverse ElectroCardioGraphy (ECG) problem by the mean of an energy-like error functional.