Seminário Matemática Aplicada e Análise Numérica  RSS

24/01/2019, 15:00 — 16:00 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
Erida Gjini, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência

Modeling microbial interactions, dynamics and interventions: from data to processes

Controlling the evolution and spread of antimicrobial resistance is a major global health priority. While the discovery of new antibiotics does not follow the rate at which new resistances develop, a more rational use of available drugs remains critical. In my work, I explore the role of host immunity in infection dynamics and control, hence as an important piece in the puzzle of antibiotic resistance management.

I will present two studies from my research on microbial dynamics, addressing processes that occur at the within- and between-host level.

The first study examines antibiotic resistance and treatment optimization for bacterial infections, quantifying the crucial role of host immune defenses at the single host level.

The second study presents a multi-strain epidemiological model applied to pneumococcus data before and after vaccination.

This framework allows for retrospective inference of strain interactions in co-colonization and vaccine efficacy parameters, and can be useful for comparative analyses across different immunized populations.

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