03/06/2016, 16:00 — 17:00 — Sala V1.07, Pavilhão de Eng. Civil, IST
Flávio Escada, Universidade de Lisboa
The mosaic method in modal and temporal logics.
First we are going to give a brief introduction to syntax, semantics and axiomatization in modal logic and in temporal logic. Then, making use of the mosaic method, we are going to prove complexity and Hilbert completeness results in modal logic and in temporal logic over linear flows of time.
- Blackburn, P., de Rijke, M., Venema, Y. Modal Logic. Cambridge University Press, 2001.
- M. Marx, S. Mikulas, and M. Reynolds. The mosaic method for temporal logics. In TABLEAUX, 2000.
- S. Mikulas. Taming first-order logic. Journal of the IGPL, 6(2):305-316, 1998.
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