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07/09/2016, 11:20 — 12:00 — Amphitheatre Pa2, Mathematics Building
Jorge Drumond Silva, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa

On black holes and the strong cosmic censorship in spherical symmetry

This talk serves as an introduction to the problem of the stability of the Cauchy horizon and the future extend​a​bility of the maximal globally hyperbolic development for the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system with a cosmological constant.

We will start by reviewing some basic notions of General Relativity, in particular the structure of black holes in spherical symmetry, leading to the formulation of the celebrated strong cosmic censorship conjecture, from a PDE perspective.

We will finish by describing the characteristic initial value problem for the study of the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field system inside a black hole, with an exponential Price law over the event horizon, which is the object of recent joint work with João L. Costa, Pedro M. Girão and José Natário.

This will be a prelude to the talk by Pedro M. Girão, that will be focused on the last topic.

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