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06/09/2016, 12:00 — 12:40 — Amphitheatre Pa2, Mathematics Building
Joan Solà Morales, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Convergence to steady-state and boundary layer profiles in a linear chromatography system

These are results of an ongoing joint work with J. Menacho. They are mostly contained in a paper of the same title appeared in SIAM J. Appl. Math. 75 (2015), no. 2, pp. 745-761. We study the hyperbolic system of equations of the so called Linear Transport Model in a True Moving Bed chromatography device with four ports. By using methods based on a suitable energy-functional we show that all solutions approach exponentially a unique steady-state solution. Then, with the use of Asymptotic Analysis techniques we calculate the limit profiles of these steady-state solutions when the mass transfer coefficient between the liquid and solid phases tends to infinity. Along this singular limit sharp boundary layers appear near some ports. We are able to obtain explicit and simple formulas for these limit profiles.

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