Cursos IST de Geometria Algébrica  RSS

16/09/2004, 11:30 — 12:30 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
, Università di Roma II

Degeneration techniques in algebraic geometry

In the last 2 lectures I will:

  1. introduce (higher) secant varieties, (weakly) defective varieties and recall Terracini’s lemma;
  2. I will talk about the famous theorem of Severi which classifies 1- defective surfaces;
  3. I will talk about terracini’s extension to higher secant surfaces;
  4. I will prove a bound on the degree of secant varieties;
  5. I will classify surfaces for which the bound is achieved, showing how all this is related to castelnuovo–enriques’ theorem above.

Parts 4 & 5 above is recent joint work with F. Russo.

Consulte as páginas dos Cursos IST de Geometria Algébrica para mais detalhes.