24/10/2008, 16:30 — 17:30 — Room P3.10, Mathematics Building
Tamara Rezk, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis
A Provably Secure Cryptographic Compiler
It is common knowledge that cryptographic schemes are constructed
to resist attacks guided by malicious attempts to deviate some
intended functionality. However, very little is known about the
level of security that we get by using cryptographic schemes in
different environments, since security depends on the strength of
the adversary. How much can we assume about an unknown adversary
without compromising security? On one hand, many works that aim at
proving that programs which use cryptography are secure assume
specific strategies that the adversary may or may not use when
attacking the system. Unfortunately, experience shows that
limitations to the power of the adversary are not always realistic.
On the other hand, the area of provable or computational
cryptography that started to develop since the early 90s proposes
that the only assumptions on the adversary that can be justified
are his/her computational abilities. Reasoning with arbitrary
adversaries involves the handling of polynomial and probabilistic
hypotheses on complex programs. Can we let the programmer specify
security policies at an abstract level and let the compiler
implement them using provable cryptography? This talk will describe
work in progress with Cedric Fournet and Gurvan Le Guernic on
programming language abstractions for provable cryptography, and a
compiler that implements it. A preliminary result of this work
appeared in POPL'08.
This seminar will be held in the Alameda campus!