
Departamento de Matemática Técnico Técnico

Encontros Iberian Strings  RSS

21/01/2021, 17:30 — 18:30 — Online
, ICREA Barcelona

The ultimate trap: a tale of horizons, singularities, and black holes. Outreach colloquium on the occasion of The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020

Outreach colloquium on black hole formation as a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity.

More than fifty years ago, a young mathematician called Roger Penrose revolutionized the study of gravity and spacetime by introducing the idea of a “trapped surface”: a region where the pull of gravity is so strong that spacetime is inevitably led to a mysterious singularity. This result is so important that last year Penrose was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for “showing that Einstein's theory leads to the formation of black holes, those monsters in time and space”. Isn't it fascinating? Sure, but, actually, what does it mean?

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