
Departamento de Matemática Técnico Técnico

Seminário de Geometria Algébrica e Cordas Topológicas  RSS

25/10/2005, 14:00 — 15:00 — Anfiteatro Pa1, Pavilhão de Matemática
Vyacheslav S. Rychkov, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

Symplectic Structure and Quantization on Moduli Spaces of Regular (Super)Gravity Solutions

Motivated by the AdS/CFT and black hole microstate counting, we discuss quantization of infinitely-dimensional families of regular supergravity solutions with Anti-de-Sitter or flat asymptotics. We demonstrate the general methods on two recent examples of such families - the "bubbling AdS" family of Lin-Lunin-Maldacena and the "D1-D5 with angular momentum" family of Lunin-Maldacena-Maoz.
L.Maoz, V.S.Rychkov, Geometry Quantization from Supergravity: the Case of 'Bubbling Ads', hep-th/0508059.
L.Grant, L.Maoz, J.Marsano, K.Papadodimas, V.S.Rychkov, Minisuperspace Quantization of 'Bubbling Ads' and Free Fermion Droplets, hep-th/0505079.
H.Lin, O.Lunin, J.Maldacena, Bubbling Ads Space and 1/2 BPS Geometries, hep-th/0409174.
O.Lunin, J.Maldacena, L.Maoz, Gravity Solutions for the D1-D5 System with Angular Momentum, hep-th/0212210.