
Departamento de Matemática Técnico Técnico

Seminário Análise Funcional e Aplicações  RSS

22/10/2007, 15:30 — 16:00 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
, Instituto Superior Técnico, U.T. Lisboa

An invertibility criterion for a non local C* algebra of functional operators

A generalization of the local trajectory method for C* algebras associated with C* dynamical systems based on the notion of spectral measures is presented. This generalization allows to establish invertibility and Fredholm criteria for new classes of C* algebras with shifts. The C* algebra considered in this talk is a non local algebra generated by multiplication operators by slowly oscillating and piecewise continuous functions and by the range of unitary representation of an amenable group of diffeomorphisms with any non empty set of common fixed points. The talk is related to a joint work with C. Fernandes and Y. Karlovich.