
Departamento de Matemática Técnico Técnico

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Jose Castillo 09/07/2019, 16:00 — 17:00 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
, San Diego State University

Mimetic Discretization Methods

Mimetic discretizations or compatible discretizations have been a recurrent search in the history of numerical methods for solving partial differential equations with variable degree of success. There are many researches currently active in this area pursuing different approaches to achieve this goal and many algorithms have been developed along these lines. Loosely speaking, "mimetic" or "compatible" algebraic methods have discrete structures that mimic vector calculus identities and theorems. Specific approaches to discretization have achieved this compatibility following different paths, and with diverse degree of generality in relation to the problems solved and the order of accuracy obtainable. Here, we present theoretical aspects for a mimetic method based on the extended Gauss Divergence Theorem as well as examples using this method to solve partial differential equations using the Mimetic Operators Library Enhanced (MOLE).

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O Colloquium de Matemática é a designação geral para uma série de palestras mensais organizadas pelo Departamento de Matemática do IST que têm como objetivo divulgar ideias de ou sobre Matemática. Está aberto à participação de docentes, investigadores e alunos de licenciatura, de mestrado ou de doutoramento do IST ou de outras instituições, sendo uma oportunidade de reunir pessoas com interesses afins e de estimular a troca de ideias num ambiente informal.

Organização: Conceição Amado, Lina Oliveira e Maria João Borges.