Colloquium  RSS

17/02/2000, 17:00 — 18:00 — Amphitheatre Pa1, Mathematics Building
Marcelo Viana, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro

Chaotic Dynamical Systems: a Probabilistic Viewpoint

The evolution of systems in Nature is, quite often, sensitive with respect to the initial data: small inaccuracies in the determination of the initial position give rise to gross errors in the long run. Does that mean that there is no hope to be able to understand and predict the evolution of such systems? Several recent developments indicate that, on the contrary, many chaotic systems admit a rich and rather complete description, in probabilistic terms. Building on this, one dares hope to develop a general theory for chaotic dynamics...

The Mathematics Colloquium is a series of monthly talks organized by the Department of Mathematics of IST, aiming to be a forum for the presentation of mathematical ideas or ideas about Mathematics. The Colloquium welcomes the participation of faculty, researchers and undergraduate or graduate students, of IST or other institutions, and is seen as an opportunity of bringing together and fostering the building up of ideas in an informal atmosphere.

Organizers: Conceição Amado, Lina Oliveira e Maria João Borges.