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14/02/2002, 17:00 — 18:00 — Amphitheatre Pa1, Mathematics Building
, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau

Concentration phenomena in dynamical systems

Concentration phenomena is a common fact in statistical mechanics connected to large deviation theory. It states that some observables do not deviate appreciably from their average in some adequate limit. Recently some new versions of this effect were discovered for independent random variables and more general observables leading to important statistical consequences. Extensions were proved for non independent random variables. We will discuss the result for expanding maps of the interval and present some statistical consequences.

The Mathematics Colloquium is a series of monthly talks organized by the Department of Mathematics of IST, aiming to be a forum for the presentation of mathematical ideas or ideas about Mathematics. The Colloquium welcomes the participation of faculty, researchers and undergraduate or graduate students, of IST or other institutions, and is seen as an opportunity of bringing together and fostering the building up of ideas in an informal atmosphere.

Organizers: Conceição Amado, Lina Oliveira e Maria João Borges.