
Mathematics Department Técnico Técnico

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  • To serve as an archive of nearby events highlighted on the home page;
  • To give extra details about some of these;
  • To allow managing subscritions to related email notifications (missing).

Turbulence in compound channel flows

15/03/2017 13:00 — 17/03/2017 Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Instituto Superior Técnico Locate in map

Presented by Prof. Rui M. L. Ferreira


João Leal

João Leal is a full professor at the University of Agder, Norway. His research interests are focused on the laboratory and numerical investigation of turbulent open-channel flows.


The course addresses theoretical aspects of characterization of turbulence in compound channel flows and on CFD modelling of such flows, especially when the floodplain is covered with vegetation. Solutions of RANS equations coupled with a porous media approach - volume-averaged conservation equations are presented. The treatment of free flow/porous media interface is given especial attention. Specific parameters of the closure equations for dispersive terms associated to porous media modelling are discussed. Case studies are presented and discussed.

Big Data | Mathematics in Industry 4.0. Challenges and opportunities.

02/06/2017 09:00 Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Locate in map

PT-MATHS-IN, the Portuguese Network for Industry and Innovation presents

Big Data | Mathematics in Industry 4.0.
Challenges and opportunities

In this conference this subject will be approached in a broadband manner, taking special interest at new insights in what the future may bring concerning the so called Industry 4.0 and related challenges, including regulation and privacy concerns.

This conference in Big Data serves as a launching event of the PT-MATHS-IN, the Portuguese Network for Mathematics in Industry and Innovation, which is the Portuguese representative of the European Service Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation (EU-MATHS-IN), whose goal is to leverage the impact of Mathematics in Industry, promoting information exchange and developing partnerships between these two groups. EU-MATHS-IN is now a European network of 14 countries national consortiums.

From Quantum Puzzles to Quantum Information Technology

20/03/2017 17:30 Academia das Ciências de Lisboa Locate in map

The Physics of Information Colloquium presents

Anton Zeilinger (University of Vienna & Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Anton Zeilinger


Anton Zeilinger is a pioneer in the fields of quantum information, quantum computation and quantum communications, as well as in the study of the foundations of quantum mechanics. He was the first to realize many important quantum information protocols, including the famous quantum teleportation experiment. In 2005, Anton Zeilinger was elected one of the “10 people who could change the world”. Most recently, his experiments were amongst those proving definitely the non-local character of quantum physics. Currently he is professor of Physics at the University of Vienna, and president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.


Quantum physics provides famous puzzles. These include Schroedinger's cat, Einstein’s spooky action at a distance and quantum randomness (viz. Einstein's comment that God does not play dice). To date, the fundamental concepts, demonstrated by these puzzles, became the basis for the emerging quantum information technology. It includes quantum teleportation, and quantum computation. The future quantum internet will combine these ideas. It will consist of quantum computers connected by quantum links carrying photons. From a fundamental point of view, these experiments have sharpened our basic questions about the nature of quantum systems.

All Kinds of Mathematics Remind me of You | Symmetry in finite models

24/07/2017 — 27/07/2017 Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa Locate in map

Conference to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Peter J. Cameron.

The conference will have a satellite workshop on Symmetry in Finite and Infinite Structures that will be held on the 28th July. All participants of the Cameron’s Conference are automatically entitled to this event. The workshop will have an in-depth presentation of Babai’s graph isomorphism theorem. There will be also slots on semigroups | groups and combinatorics | logic | statistics.

3rd Porto Meeting Mathematics and Biology

21/06/2017 08:00 — 22/06/2017 Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto Locate in map

The main topic for this edition will be Mathematical and Computational Models in Cancer Research.

Main Speakers

  • Dirk Fey, School Of Medicine, Systems Biology Ireland
  • John Tyson, Tyson Lab Computacional Cell Biology, Virgina Tech, USA.
  • Montagud Arnau, Institut Curie, Paris, France  
  • Walter Kolch, Director of Conway Institute, Systems Biology Ireland

The purpose of this meeting is to focus the attention on the many and varied opportunities to promote applications of mathematics to biology. It will be devoted to mathematical and computational modelling, analysis and simulation of problems arising in the context of biological applications.

Pedro Nunes Lectures 2016

20/10/2016 — 24/10/2016 Centro Internacional de Matemática & Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática

Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, CNRS-IHÉS

  • Perspectives on a Geometry which Underwent several Rejuvenations: Finsler Geometry
    20/10/2016, Universidade de Aveiro

  • General Relativity and Geometry, Interactions and Missed Opportunities
    21/10/2016, Universidade do Porto, 14:30 — Room 0.07 — CMUP/FCUP

  • Connecting Spinor Fields and Dirac Operators to Geometry: the General Context and some Recent Developments
    24/10/2016, Universidade de Lisboa, 16:30 — Salão nobre da reitoria

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