
Mathematics Department Técnico Técnico

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  • To serve as an archive of nearby events highlighted on the home page;
  • To give extra details about some of these;
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Axiomatic Thinking

11/10/2017 09:00 — 14/10/2017 Academia das Ciências de Lisboa Locate in map

100 years ago, in 1917 David Hilbert gave his seminal talk Axiomatisches Denken at a meeting of the Swiss Mathematical Society in Zurich. It marks the beginning of Hilbert's return to his foundational studies, which ultimately resulted in the establishment of proof theory as a new branch in the emerging field of mathematical logic. Hilbert also used the opportunity to bring Paul Bernays back to Göttingen as his main collaborator in foundational studies in the years to come.

The aim of this conference is to reevaluate the success of Hilbert's axiomatic method which did not only lay the foundations for the understanding of modern mathematics, but which also found its way in many applications, first of all - and as vividly advocated by Hilbert - in Physics. Even for the seemingly negative results, as in the case of Gödel's incompleteness theorems, it were Hilbert's sharply posed questions which opened up completely new and unexpected perspectives for our understanding of Mathematics.

Symposium on Big Data in finance, retail and commerce — Statistical and Computational Challenges

02/11/2017 — 03/11/2017 Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL) Locate in map

The objective of the symposium is to present new approaches to deal with Big Data Applications in finance, retail and commerce bringing together professionals from companies in these areas and researchers who generate sound methods and tools to handle such data. It is hoped that such an interaction may help in understanding the new needs and trends in the emerging field of Data Sciences.

The 30th Meeting of the National Seminar on the History of Mathematics

30/06/2017 08:00 — 01/07/2017 Academia Militar - Aquartelamento da Amadora Locate in map

The 30th Meeting of the National Seminar on the History of Mathematics will take place at the Academia Militar, in Amadora.

This meeting will include a core communications on The Military and Mathematics. Liliane Alfonsi (Université Paris Sud, Laboratoire EST-GHDSO) will be a guest speaker on

La guerre de sept ans (1756-1763) et ses conséquences pour les écoles militaires françaises.


International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics

04/09/2017 08:00 — 07/09/2017 Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal Locate in map

The XXVI edition of the International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics (IFWGP) will take place at the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal) from the 4th to the 7th of September, 2017. This series of international workshops, held at Spanish and Portuguese universities and research centers, covers topics in the fields of Differential Geometry, Applied Mathematics and Physics.

International Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Theory

19/04/2017 08:30 — 21/04/2017 Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto Locate in map

The International Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization Theory is dedicated to the 60th birthday of Aram Arutyunov, Professor at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and Moscow State University.

The aim is not only to present and discuss research avenues in the very dynamic fields of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization leading to more valuable and beautifully flourishing Mathematics, but also to share high standard values that this research community has been setting.

A large number of contributed talks address numerous issues in widely diversified classes of problems on the themes of the workshop, which certainly encompass the three main large group of topics in which Professor Aram Arutyunov provided the most significant contributions:

  • Optimal Control — Pontryagin Maximum Principle, State and Mixed Constraints, Degeneracy Phenomena, Controllability Conditions, Generalized Controls, Impulsive Control Problems, Second-order Optimality Conditions;
  • Abnormal Problems — Second-order Optimality Conditions in Abnormal Minimizers, Inverse and Implicit Function Theorems in Abnormal Points; and
  • Nonlinear Analysis — Quadratic Maps, Coincidence Points of Maps, Covering Properties.

The Mercator projection — The Circle Quadrature: History, Pre-History and Construction of the Mercator Projection (1569)

22/03/2017 12:00 Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa Locate in map

C-infinito, the Mathematics Club at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, presents:

Joaquim Alves Gaspar (CIUHCT – Universidade de Lisboa)

Projecção de Mercator
A Quadratura do Círculo: História, Pré-História e Construção da Projecção de Mercator (1569)

A projecção de Mercator, proposta pelo matemático flamengo Gerard Mercator em 1569, é justamente considerada um marco de excepcional importância na história da cartografia e da navegação. Nela, as linhas de rumo constante seguidas pelos navios no mar (as loxodrómias) são representadas por segmentos de recta que fazem com os meridianos os mesmos ângulos que à superfície da Terra. Trata-se de uma propriedade de enorme relevância para a navegação marítima e, por essa razão, a projecção de Mercator é universalmente utilizada na cartografia náutica. No entanto, o cartógrafo não deixou qualquer explicação sobre o método que utilizou para a calcular e o assunto tem sido objecto de um longo e inconclusivo debate que se prolongou por mais de um século. Nesta palestra explica-se como dois investigadores do Departamento de História e Filosofia da Ciência da Faculdade de Ciências, Joaquim Alves Gaspar e Henrique Leitão, resolveram recentemente o problema. Através da uma análise geométrica do mapa-mundo de Mercator, complementada com o estudo de fontes históricas portuguesas e europeias, foi possível concluir que o método utilizado por Mercator tem a sua origem num objecto matemático introduzido em Portugal cerca de 1540 e discutido por Pedro Nunes: a tabela de rumos.

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