Research Grants
Geometrical and Algebraic Structures on the Space of Quantum Theories
FCT: EXCL/MAT-GEO/0222/2012
Geometry and Mathematical Physics
FCT: PTDC/MAT/119689/2010
Geometry of Quantization
FCT/DAAD: FCT/DAAD/2010-2011
Black Holes, Duality and String Theory
FCT/CERN: CERN/FP/116386/2010
Nonperturbative Quantum Strings and Blackfolds
FCT/CERN: CERN/FP/109344/2009
Non-Perturbative String Theory and Black Holes at LHC
FCT: PTDC/MAT/101503/2008
New Geometry and Topology
FCT/CERN: POCI/FP/63916/2005
Symmetries, Gravity and Strings
FCT: POCI/MAT/60352/2004
Quantum Topology
FCT: POCI/MAT/58549/2004
Moduli Spaces and String Theory
Nonperturbative Aspects of Fields and Strings
FCT: POCTI/FNU/38004/2001
String Theory in Curved Space
FCT: POCTI/MAT/35175/99
Categorical Ideas in Gauge Theory and Applications in Low-Dimensional Topology
FCT: POCTI/MAT/33943/99
Moduli Spaces, Integrability and String Theory