For StudentsHere are some general guidelines for those considering a research career in String Theory and Mathematical Physics. If you are looking for a research advisor, you should talk directly to one of the members of the group. Consult the relevant personal web-pages, where you may find detailed information concerning specific research projects and/or opportunities available for graduate students. The interested candidate must be admitted to the IST Doctoral Program in Mathematics. In order to qualify for the Doctoral Program in Mathematics, you must hold either a 2nd Cycle degree (Master's) or a pre-Bologna bachelor degree with 5 years duration. This degree need not be in Mathematics, but the candidate should have a good Mathematics record. Admission to the doctoral program is based on past academic performance. Further details on the admission requirements may be found here. Note that admission to the Doctoral Program in Mathematics comes without financial support. Online applications for the Doctoral Program in Mathematics open twice a year, in December/January and in July (for the precise dates, see here.) FCT Ph.D. Fellowships:The Portuguese Science Foundation opens applications for individual doctoral fellowships in all areas roughly once a year, in March. Applicants must apply together with a research advisor. If you are interested in applying for this fellowship with the aim of pursuing doctoral studies in Mathematics, in the areas of String Theory and Mathematical Physics under the supervision of members of the group, the first step consists in contacting the group member with whom you would like to apply. The complete procedure is described in the FCT web-page, in particular the Fellowships and Grants section, where you should pay attention to the BD (Doctoral Grant) fellowship. The expected duration of the fellowship is 4 years. |