Seminário de Trabalho em Geometria/Topologia Simpléctica/de Contacto  RSS

13/03/2012, 10:30 — 11:30 — Sala P4.35, Pavilhão de Matemática
Daniele Sepe, CAMGSD/IST

Lecture III - (Integral) affine manifolds and Lagrangian fibrations I

A theorem due to Weinstein states that the leaves of any Lagrangian foliation admit a flat, torsion-free connection. A manifold admitting such a connection is called affine; these have been extensively studied since the '50s as a generalisation of flat Riemannian manifolds. This lecture first proves the above result directly for Lagrangian fibrations and then introduces more formally (integral) affine manifolds, illustrating the theory with examples.

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Organizador corrente: Miguel Abreu

uma unidade do Laboratório Associado LARSyS