Seminário de Trabalho em Geometria/Topologia Simpléctica/de Contacto  RSS

14/02/2012, 10:30 — 11:30 — Sala P4.35, Pavilhão de Matemática

Hyperkähler manifolds - II

Hypertoric manifolds are 4n dimensional hyperkähler manifolds admiting a tri-hamiltonian 𝕋 n action. We describe a construction of such manifolds as quotients of 2d by subtori of 𝕋 d. This construction mimics Delzant's construction of toric Kahler manifolds as quotients of d by subtori of 𝕋 d. We will discuss relations between the two constructions and explain how to use the hyperkahler version to give a description of the hyperkähler metric in hyper action-angle coordinates.

Main reference: R. Bielawski and A. Dancer, The geometry and topology of toric hyperkähler manifolds

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Organizador corrente: Miguel Abreu

uma unidade do Laboratório Associado LARSyS