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08/09/2016, 17:00 — 17:40 — Amphitheatre Pa2, Mathematics Building
Philippo Lappicy, Freie Universität Berlin

Einstein Constraints: A Dynamical Approach

The Einstein constraint equations describe the space of initial data for the evolution equations, dictating how space should curve within spacetime. Under certain assumptions, the constraints reduce to a single quasilinear parabolic equation on the sphere with various singularities, and nonlinearity being the prescribed scalar curvature of space. We focus on self-similar solutions of Schwarzschild type. Those describe, for example, the initial data of black holes. We give a detailed study of the axially symmetric solutions, since the domain is now one dimensional and nodal properties can be used to describe certain asymptotics of the rescaled self-similar solutions. In particular, we mention examples for certain prescribed scalar curvatures.

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