27/06/2008, 15:00 — 16:00 — Sala P4.35, Pavilhão de Matemática
Gergei Bana, Tulane University
Computational Soundness of Formal Indistinguishability and Static Equivalence
In the research of the relationship between the formal and the computational view of cryptography, a recent approach uses static equivalence from cryptographic pi calculi as a notion of formal indistinguishability. Previous work has shown that this yields the soundness of natural interpretations of some interesting equational theories, such as certain cryptographic operations and a theory of XOR. In this paper however, we argue that static equivalence is too coarse for sound interpretations of equational theories in general. We show some explicit examples how static equivalence fails to work in interesting cases. To fix this problem, we propose a notion of formal indistinguishability that is more flexible than static equivalence. We provide a general framework along with general theorems, and then discuss how this new notion works for the explicit examples where static equivalence failed to ensure soundness. We also improve the treatment by using ordered sorts in the formal view, and by allowing arbitrary probability distributions of the interpretations. Joint work with P. Mohassel and T. Stegers.
30/05/2008, 16:30 — 17:30 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
Gérard Boudol, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis Méditérranée
Secure Information Flow as a Safety Property
In this work we argue that, in the perspective of developing
"security-minded" programming languages, the secure information
flow property should be defined (as well as disciplined access) as
a standard safety property, based on a notion of a security error,
namely that one should not put in a public location a value
elaborated using confidential information. We show that this is the
property guaranteed by a standard security type system, and that,
for a simple language, it is strictly stronger than
non-interference. Moreover, we show that this notion of secure
information flow allows us to give natural semantics to various
security-minded programming constructs, including declassification.
09/05/2008, 15:00 — 16:00 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
Geraldo A. Barbosa, Center for Photonic Communication and Computing, Northwestern University, USA
Platform for telecommunications secured by physical noise
Classical: Protection existing in classical cryptographic
systems widely used is based on keys generated by pseudo-random
number generators or computational complexities (e.g., factoring
large numbers into primes). However, pseudo-random sequences have
formation rules and algorithms can be used or discovered to find
the sequences. Also, other than historical difficulties nothing
indicates that an efficient (classical) factoring algorithm cannot
be found.
“One-time pad” encryption is the only classical method
offering unconditional security. It uses secret symmetric keys [G.
S. Vernam, J. Amer. Inst. Elec. Eng. 55, 109 (1926). C. E. Shannon,
Bell Syst. Tech. J. 28, 656 (1949)] shared between two users. The
difficulty to securely renew the shared keys in modern fast
communications is an unsolved challenge that ruled out this
technique for broad use.
Quantum: Quantum protocols, such as the well studied
single-photon protocol BB84 offer outstanding protection in
dedicated networks for short distances and at slow speeds . These
systems do not work in generic Internet channels and networks. Good
signal amplification is not possible with single photon protocols
[Wootters-Zurek theorem: Wooters WK, Zurek WH, Nature, 299 (5886)
1982, 802-803] and the system security reduces to zero if signals
are converted from optical to electrical and vice-versa; these
conversions are necessary in generic Internet channels. Although
systems using continuous variables and other schemes are constantly
being proposed, there is no widely accepted vision on purely
quantum systems being incorporated to the
protected by physical noise: A new class of systems was
recently created based on physical noise that, even not offering
unconditional security, offer security levels compatible or higher
than current protocols. They do not rely on the factoring
difficulty and do not need certificate centers; they are under
strict control of the users, sender and receiver. They mix
classical protocols and quantum noise features. They do not use
single photons in entangled states. These systems were created to
offer high level of security and at the same time work at high
speeds compatible to modern communications. It is practical to have
them classified in data encryption systems and key
distribution systems.
data encryption systems are known as alpha eta systems (and
as Y00 in Japan) and were created at Northwestern University
through a DARPA supported project that led to Patent No. US
7,333,611 (Feb. 19, 2008) [Assignee: Northwestern University,
Inventors: H. P. Yuen, P. Kumar, and G. A. Barbosa]. They were
created to operate in fiber channels and use the intrinsic light
noise associate to the signal carrier to blur the signal to the
attacker while giving the legitimate users a clear signal (see
patent). They operate at the physical layer of the communication
networks. This kind of system has already been tested in the United
States (experimental networks in Washington and currently in the
DARPA Quantum Network in Boston) and Japan. It is already
being developed by a new company called NuCrypt, directed by one of
the inventors (P. Kumar).
key distribution system (patented by US-2005-0152540-A1,
Inventor: G. A. Barbosa) is the main object of this talk. This
system has two versions, one for fiber channels and another one to
operate on the user layer. Both start with a sequence of truly
random keys shared by the legitimate users. These keys are
generated by a Physical Random Generator (PhRG). There is no
intrinsic physical limitation for the key generation process speed.
This speed may evolve according to the electronic technology
advances and may follow computation and the web’s speed
evolution. This is in contrast with single-photon cryptographic
methods that are inherently slow.
starting shared sequence provides the security core onto which an
attacker has to brake in to obtain the fresh key sequences being
constantly generated by the same PhRG and constantly shared by the
users. This difficulty is easily set at a computational difficulty
level well above current capabilities and is also easily adapted to
any computational advances. The sequences of fresh keys shared by
the users are used for fast bit-by-bit or block
Security measures have yet to be developed as well as a working
Join us
in this effort.
fiber channel:
- Fast and secure key
distribution using mesoscopic coherent states of light; GA Barbosa,
Phys. Rev. A 68, 052307 (2003).
- Information theory for
key distribution systems secured by mesoscopic coherent states; G.
A. Barbosa, Phys. Rev. A 71, 062333 (2005).
Internet channel:
- Noise Secured Internet;
G. A. Barbosa, quant/ph0510011 (2005).
- Fundamentals for
immediate implementation of a quantum secured Internet; G. A.
Barbosa, quant-ph/0607093 v2 16 Aug 2006.
- Secure sharing of random
bits over the Internet; G. A. Barbosa, quant-ph/0705.2243 v2 17 17
May 07.
11/04/2008, 16:30 — 17:30 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
Ricardo Chaves, INESC-ID
Secure computing on reconfigurable systems
In this talk a Secure Computing Module (SCM) for reconfigurable
computing systems will be presented. The SCM provides a protected
and reliable computational environment, where data security and
protection against malicious attacks to the system is assured.
Secure Computing (SC) is strongly based on encryption algorithms
and on the attestation of the executed functions. The use of SC on
reconfigurable devices has the advantage of being highly adaptable
to the application and the user requirements, while providing high
performances. Moreover, it is adaptable to new algorithms,
protocols, and threats. Experimental results obtained by
implementing the proposed SCM on a reconfigurable device FPGA
suggest speedups up to 750 times, compared with software
implemented algorithms, achieving throughputs above 1Gbit/s at low
area cost. A novel method to attest dynamically reconfigured
hardware structures is also presented. The overall results
demonstrate the applicability the advantages of implementing SC on
reconfigurable systems.
18/03/2008, 16:30 — 17:30 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
Gergei Bana, Tulane University
Computational Soundness of First-Order-Logic-based SymbolicAnalysis
of Cryptographic Protocols
In the past few years it has become a central question of
cryptography how relevant purely symbolic analysis of security
protocols are to reality. This question can be analyzed by linking
the symbolic approach to the so-called computational approach as
the latter is a more detailed description of reality, involving
probability and complexity theory. Several attempts have been made
to link these two approaches. Unfortunately, most of them are not
done with sufficient mathematical rigor, and some of the results
are questionable. This time, we look at the case when symbolic
analysis is done via first order logic. We review some of the basic
notions, look at problems with a recent attempt (Computational PCL
by Datta et al.) to provide computational semantics to the syntax,
and suggest a new way of defining the semantics to avoid those
problems, making use of standard notions of the theory of
stochastic processes.
14/03/2008, 16:00 — 17:00 — Tagus-1.1
Ana Matos, Instituto Superior Técnico
Non-disclosure for Distributed Mobile Code
This talk is about ensuring confidentiality in networks. More
specifically, it is about controlling information flows between
subjects that have been given different security clearances, in the
context of a distributed setting with code mobility. In a network
setting, one cannot assume resources to be accessible by all
programs at all times. In fact, a network can be seen as a
collection of sites where conditions for computation to occur are
not guaranteed by one site alone. New security leaks, that we call
migration leaks, arise from the fact that execution or suspension
of programs now depend on the position of resources over the
network, which may in turn depend on secret information.<br
/> In order to deal with migration leaks, we will consider the
non-disclosure policy for networks, a generalization of
non-interference that handles declassification in a network
setting, and see how to enforce it over an expressive distributed
calculus, by means of a type and effect system.
11/01/2008, 16:30 — 17:30 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
Rui Joaquim, ISEL
Electronic Voting
From small pilots to nation wide adoption Electronic Voting is
appearing all over the world. However, there is no consensus about
the benefits and dangers of electronic voting, namely among machine
vendors and university researchers. This presentation on electronic
voting is divided into two parts. First, we will introduce the main
research fields of cryptographic electronic voting protocols that
emerge over the last 25 years. Then, we will present the work we
have been developing at the Distributed Systems Group of INESC-ID
for the last 5 years, namely we will present the REVS voting system
and the CodeVoting technique that aims to provide protection
against automatic vote manipulation in uncontrolled environments,
e.g. remote voting from home.
09/11/2007, 15:00 — 16:00 — Sala P4.35, Pavilhão de Matemática
Paulo Mateus, Instituto Superior Técnico
Contract signing with decoherence
We present a fair contract signing protocol without communication
with a judge during the exchange phase. To this end we use
particular Werner states and assume that the agents have no control
over the system decoherence. Finally, we show how to implement such
Werner states and discuss some limitations and extensions of the
proposed protocol (joint work with J. Bouda and N. Paunkovic).
26/10/2007, 16:00 — 17:00 — Tagus-1.1
Jan Cederquist, Instituto Superior Técnico
Verifying Liveness in Security Protocols
We will discuss automatic verification of liveness properties in
security protocols. Liveness properties only hold in general in the
Dolev-Yao intruder model if at least some communication channels
are resilient. However, the complexity of the resilient
communication channels assumption, when used as a fairness
constraint, indicates that the Dolev-Yao model is not suitable for
automatic verification of liveness properties. Here we present a
modified Dolev-Yao intruder that is more suitable for verifying
liveness properties. As an application, formal verification of fair
exchange protocols is discussed.
21/09/2007, 16:30 — 17:30 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
António Ravara, Instituto Superior Técnico
Cryptographic primitives in a calculus with polyadic
We define cryptographic primitives for the pi-calculus extended
with polyadic synchronisation (epi), and show that these primitives
are derivable constructs, i.e., epi with cryptographic primitives
may be fully abstractly encoded in the regular epi calculus. The
proposed encoding is sound and complete wrt barbed congruence,
which, as we also show, coincides with early bisimilarity.
Furthermore, we thoroughly study the behavioural theory of epi
(joint work with Joana Martinho).
21/05/2007, 16:00 — 17:00 — Sala P4.35, Pavilhão de Matemática
António Lázaro, Universidade do Minho
Dos Primórdios da Criptografia em Portugal
O que se fez, até hoje, no domínio da criptografia histórica em
Portugal? Quais os mais antigos testemunhos da utilização da
linguagem criptográfica em Portugal: as suas características e o
seu nível de segurança, comparativamente ao que podemos observar,
na mesma época, em alguns outros estados europeus. Problemas e
projectos no domínio dos estudos da criptografia histórica em
03/04/2007, 16:30 — 17:30 — Tagus-1.1
Tamara Rezk, INRIA Microsoft Research Joint Centre
Cryptographically secure implementations of non-interferent
Confidentiality and integrity properties in language-based security
are specified with the help of a set of security levels, and a
partial order that describes permitted flows of information.
Security levels associated to variables of programs describe
different policies specifying e.g. who can read (confidentiality)
and who can write (integrity) a given piece of data. Preservation
of specified confidentiality and integrity policies associated with
variables can be proved using the definition of non-interference
that states that the attacker knowledge is not augmented by
execution of programs.
In a distributed setting, a permitted flow of information from one
variable to another variable may require communication over
untrusted channels, e.g. shared memory that can be access (read and
modify) by active adversaries. In this case, primitives for
encryption and signing are necessary. However, classical
non-interference properties are too strict to express that attacker
knowledge is not augmented by execution of programs with
cryptography. Hence preservation of specified confidentiality and
integrity policies cannot be proved using non-interference.
Computational non-interference allows one to specify preservation
of confidentiality and integrity properties, using computational
hypotheses about the cryptography used in the language.
In this work we propose a sound translation from programs with
private communication satisfying non-interference to programs with
shared-memory communication and cryptography. To this end, we
propose type systems for each language, and prove that the
translation is typability preserving. Joint work with Cédric
Fournet, Microsoft Research Cambridge.