Seminário Grupóides e Geometria não comutativa  RSS

11/06/2008, 13:30 — 14:30 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
Pedro Frejlich, Instituto Superior Técnico

Classification of foliations on open manifolds

Haefliger's classification theory of foliations on open manifolds, based on Gromov's h-principle, will be described. Time allowing, we will also focus on problems of integrability of almost symplectic and almost complex structures on open manifolds.


  • Haefliger, «Feuilletages sur les varietes ouvertes», Topology 9 (1970), 183-194
  • Haefliger, «Homotopy and Integrability», Manifolds — Amsterdam 1970, Springer LNM 197 (1971)
  • Haefliger, «Lectures on the theorem of Gromov», Symposium on singularities, Liverpool 1970, Springer LNM 209 (1971)
  • Gromov, «Stable mappings of foliations into manifolds», Izv. Akad. Nauk USSR 33 (1969), No. 4, 671-693
  • Gromov, «Transversal mappings of foliations», Dokl. Akad. Nauk USSR 182 (1968), No. 2, 1126-1129
  • Landweber, «Complex structures on open manifolds», Topology 13 (1974), 69-75
  • Lawson, «The quantitative theory of foliations», AMS Regional conference series in Mathematics No. 27