Seminário Grupóides e Geometria não comutativa  RSS

15/11/2007, 13:30 — 14:30 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
Dmitry Matsnev, CAMGSD

Étale groupoids as germ groupoids and applications (part III)

Every etale topological groupoid G gives rise to an inverse semigroup equipped with a natural representation on the space of units of G. The germs of such representation can be given the structure of an etale groupoid which turns out to be isomorphic to G. We extend this construction to `wide' inverse semigroups over a topological space, which allows one to effectively construct etale groupoid extensions by extending or modifying the underlying inverse semigroup. We use this machinery in order to provide a simpler construction of Paterson's universal groupoid of an inverse semigroup, and also of the \'etale groupoid that arises by applying Stone--Cech compactification to the unit space of the pair groupoid on a set, which is the translation groupoid of Skandalis, Tu, and Yu used in their study of the Novikov conjecture by coarse geometric methods.