Groupoids and Noncommutative Geometry Seminar  RSS


21/05/2007, 15:00 — 16:00 — Room P3.10, Mathematics Building
, University of Nevada, Reno

Groupoids associated to a textile system

The notion of textile system was introduced by M. Nasu in order to analyze endomorphisms of topological Markov chains. It consists of two graphs G and H and two morphisms p,q:GH, with some extra properties. In the case p and q have the path lifting property, we prove that they induce groupoid morphisms π,ρ:Γ(G)Γ(H) between the corresponding étale groupoids of G and H. This way, C* (G) is the C*-algebra of two different Fell bundles over Γ(H). It turns out that a textile system determines a first quadrant two-dimensional subshift of finite type, via a collection of Wang tiles, and conversely, any such subshift is conjugate to a textile shift. Our groupoid morphisms and C*-algebras encode the complexity of these two-dimensional subshifts. Several concrete examples will be considered.