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29/06/2000, 17:00 — 18:00 — Anfiteatro Va1, Pavilhão de Eng. Civil
, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Mathematical Perspectives in the Statistical Sciences, and the Current Trends

In modern interdisciplinary research encompassing a wider field of socio-economic, agricultural, biological, industrial, biomedical, environmental and public health disciplines, statistical planning, modeling and analysis are indispensible. Statistical science reflects this composite field where mathematical perspectives dominate the theory and methodology developments. Yet, the advent of modern computer science has opened the doors for highly computation-intensive statistical tools; in bioinformatics, for example, computational statistics plays the key role. In view of this apparent discordence between mathematical and computational approaches to statistical resolutions, a critical appraisal of statistical innovations is made with due respect to its mathematical heritage. Illustrations from diverse fields of application are included in the same vein.

O Colloquium de Matemática é a designação geral para uma série de palestras mensais organizadas pelo Departamento de Matemática do IST que têm como objetivo divulgar ideias de ou sobre Matemática. Está aberto à participação de docentes, investigadores e alunos de licenciatura, de mestrado ou de doutoramento do IST ou de outras instituições, sendo uma oportunidade de reunir pessoas com interesses afins e de estimular a troca de ideias num ambiente informal.

Organização: Conceição Amado, Lina Oliveira e Maria João Borges.