Algebra and Topology Seminar  RSS

09/04/2001, 16:00 — 17:00 — Room P3.10, Mathematics Building
, McGill University, Montreal

Aspects of the symmetric monad

The symmetric topos boldmathM() arose as the classifier of the Lawvere distributions on a topos and resulted in a unification of ideas in various fields in mathematics.

  1. The algebraic construction of the symmetric algebra is done without using tensor products and provides an alternative to the usual construction in Algebra.
  2. Mediating support there is a connection between the symmetric topos of a topos of sheaves on a locale X and the topos of sheaves on the lower power locale of X, of interest in Theoretical Computer Science.
  3. The association of the symmetric topos is part of a Kock-Z

Current organizer: Pedro Boavida de Brito.