Seminário de Álgebra e Topologia  RSS

22/09/2011, 15:00 — 16:00 — Sala P3.10, Pavilhão de Matemática
Pedro Brito, University of Aberdeen

Enriched manifold calculus and operads

Goodwillie-Weiss' manifold calculus is, in some sense, an extension of Gromov's h-principle. Given a topological presheaf F, it produces a tower of (homotopy) sheafifications of F, where the first sheafification corresponds to Segal's scanning map. In this talk I will present a continuous (as in enriched over spaces) formulation of manifold calculus and discuss an interesting connection to operads along the way. This is joint work with Michael Weiss.

Organizador actual: Pedro Boavida de Brito.